Wednesday 28 July 2010

Does this hurt to watch??

Sooooo, I've finally been badgered/coerced/persuaded, I mean decided, to have a blog, and this is it...
Or is it??
But seriously, I'm happy to be here... Hmmm, OK, note to self, this isn't an acceptance speech, I haven't been awarded this blog for my services to film or TV, unfortunately... music or singing maybe, but not anything else...
Well, to be honest, I'm not sure how to drive this thing, I kinda feel like I'm fumbling around in the dark, but hey, we all have to start somewhere.. right?? yeah... but it I'm finding it hard to talk about things that are relative, I dunno, I've never been THAT bothered by blogs before, I've never really read them and I've never actually thought that I'd have anything to say in one, so am I actually saying anything relevant?? Who cares... no one's going to read it, let alone care what I babble on about in it... and trust me, this is full of babble...
So, yeah, I still don't claim to know what I'm doing, but at least I'm doing something, which is quite the achievement for myself... And I can only imagine quite how painful this is to witness for anyone watching me create such a thing, my apologies go out to all my fans
but yes, I worry a lot about what I'm writing yet at the same time I don't... I'm just letting it flow...
So I've kinda proved one thing to myself tonight... and that's that I can write things... a lot of things, about nothing... apparently
All I need now is exciting things to happen to me to write about...